Parkland, Florida – Guns, Mass Murder, and America

Anyone notice that the high school in Parkland, Florida is a gun-free zone and the shooter was 19. It is illegal to purchase a handgun for anyone under 21. I guess we can all agree those gun control laws worked very well.

What if we concentrated more on the causes of mass murder and less on the means? We’ve made laws and discussed the means ad nauseam. The causes are mental health issues, violence in our entertainment, hate promoted by politics, prejudice, and under privilege.

All the talk about guns won’t change anything. Mass murders will happen with homemade bombs, arson, knives, or vehicles. Banning the means, making mass murder illegal, stomping our feet in the streets, calling those who disagree with us names and spewing more hate are all unproductive, ineffective, and likely to lead to more violence.

What about raising children who respect each other, have compassion, and faith. Parents who listen, love and offer support, not just discipline when the grades don’t measure up. Teachers who care, identify troubled students and offer help. Churches that offer a message of love, hope, acceptance, and deliverance. Use social events to draw young people into an environment where they learn forgiveness, acceptance of others, and coping skills. Not to mention God changes lives.

Finally, let’s stop polarizing the environment. Poisoning minds with outright lies about those with whom we disagree, by spinning every event into a political point, and by demonizing each other.

I’ve seen the problem and it is US.

Changed hearts change society.

Disclaimer: While I support the 2nd amendment, I find any use of firearms, beyond target shooting, self-defense, and peacekeeping, personally offensive. Sorry, I don’t get hunting that is not necessary for survival. However, the founding fathers did not guarantee the right to bear arms, simply for hunting, no they saw citizens as needing to have the capacity to defend themselves from an aggressively repressive government.

Why liberals don’t want us to have a gun

explodingheadThis post is about the comments that fall out of the mouths of people who don’t believe Americans have a God given right to protect themselves. I should warn you that if you have any common sense, you will probably want to first wrap your head with a good roll of duct tape to prevent it from exploding.

The video is presented by The Blaze.

You really have to wonder if these people actually listen to themselves. Either way, it is difficult not to be left with a low opinion regarding their collective IQ, which indicates these people couldn’t have arrived at their points of argument on their own. They’ve been fed.

If they were really involved with understanding the problem, and I don’t believe they are, they would eventually come across the data point that tells them that when threatened and without the ability to defend themselves and loved ones, they would be dead long before police arrived.

Police rarely prevent the murder. Only comic book heroes can do that. Law enforcement (key phrase, there) only show up after the fact. So, to their argument about 30k or so gun victims, the counter argument should then be “If only those poor souls had been armed and trained.” At least then there would be a fighting chance for a different outcome.

A few days ago, April 17,2014 to be exact, Bloomberg (Michael Bloomberg’s business) published what they call “Bloomberg Visual Data” titled “How Americans Die”, by Mathew C. Klein. It presents data in a graphical form showing, well, how Americans die. One page in particular caught my eye and I wondered about the left hand knowing what the right was doing. As many probably know, Michael Bloomberg is no fan of gun ownership and even committed $50 million in an effort to challenge the NRA with gun control legislation. Honestly, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. The chart is presented below.murderbygun

The data presented by this chart renders the woman’s argument (in the video) about 30,000 gun deaths each year as either a lie or, at best, deliberate disinformation. If neither of those premises are true, then she’s either making stuff up as she goes or, again, she’s being fed.

With this data, the question should now be about why these protestors and others of their ilk aren’t absolutely livid over the fact that drug induced deaths are above 40,000 per year and rising above deaths by automobile and suicide, the latter of which is also on the rise.

I know they can’t be livid about automobile deaths and diligently working to ban the automobile, because then they wouldn’t be able to drive to their next protest. However, we shouldn’t expect that from preventing liberal politicians to pass legislation that limits the number of passengers to only two. If you’re like me, now you’re recalling that Colorado, a very liberal state, recently legalized marijuana. This is where I reach for that duct tape.

Food for thought:
Home intruder shot dead despite several warnings from homeowner

Detroit man shoots at intruders, killing one in latest home invasion

Attempted Intruder Shot Dead By 17-Year-Old In Hominy, Officials Say

Florida Family Fatally Shoots Home Intruder: Police

Robber shot dead by jewelry store owner

Armed robber shot dead by businessman

Famous Presidential Lies

No lead in picture as the pile of hooey I wanted to use was just too over the top. Enjoy.

LBJ: We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin)!

Nixon: I am not a crook!

Clinton: I did not have sex with that woman… Miss Lewinski!

Bush – 41: Read my lips – No new taxes!


I will have the most transparent administration in history.

TARP is to fund shovel-ready jobs.

I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.

The IRS is not targeting anyone.

It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.

If I had a son.

I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds division, conflict and cynicism”.

You didn’t build that!

I will restore trust in Government.

The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.

The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that land on my desk

It’s not my red line – it is the world’s red line.

Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.

We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.

I am not spying on American citizens.

Obama-Care will be good for America

You can keep your family doctor.

Premiums will be lowered by $2500.

If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan

It’s just like shopping at Amazon

I knew nothing about “Fast and Furious” gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels

I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups

I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi

And the biggest one of all:

“I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America