Posts Tagged ‘ remember our military ’

Memorial Day 2012

This afternoon I was relaxing and scanning the Google+ Posts when I stumbled upon this image.  It is from the Boston Common.  33,000 American Flags to represent 33,000 Bostonians who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

I found it moving and very illustrating.  And wanted to share it today.  These 33,000 soldiers gave everything so others would not have to.  Cliché?  I don’t think so.

Among the many comments there was one from a very demonic-looking man from Tehran.  His “death to America” comment reminded me and hopefully everyone why we need such selfless young men and women defending not only our freedom but the freedom of people throughout the world.

May we not be boastful or arrogant but with humility and altruism continue to promote freedom against tyrants, who through fear and murder oppress billions in the name of religion, fairness, or other ideologies.