Archive for the ‘ Terrorism ’ Category

Hillary Clinton recounts tense minutes during OBL mission

In a speech given before cadets at Annapolis on April 10, the Secretary of State recounted her impressions of the Navy Seal raid that ended in the death of Osama bin Laden.  She dramatically told those gathered that she, “was not sure anyone breathed for, you know, 35 or 37 minutes.” (Widely misquoted in the press but, hey, contemporary journalists aren’t known for accuracy.)

She’s told the story before, in nearly the same phrasing in past press interviews.  In fact, her speech last night didn’t touch on the OBL episode; these comments were merely a response to a question from the audience.  So what did she talk about and why is OBL the headline on CNN and elsewhere? Continue reading

House Democrats abandon Obama, embrace Republican policies on GITMO, civil trials

House Democrats Livid. Obama seen to be losing support base.

President Obama’s tax compromise have left House Democratic leaders livid and are now indicating they will abandon the administration and go their own way on critical issues of national security.

In a move viewed by some House Democrats as an act of defiance and a direct demonstration of just how furious the caucus is with Obama’s decision to work with Republicans to extend the Bush-era tax cuts, the Appropriations Committee attached a provision to a $1.1 trillion resolution to keep the government funded next year to prevent Obama from spending any funds to try terrorism suspects in civilian court instead of military commissions.

In addition, the bill was crafted with language to prevent the closing of the detainee prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba.

Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee demonstrated his anger Continue reading

Napolitano’s TSA wants to fondle you

Janet Napolitano, appointed by the Obambastic as the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, is a member of the Democrat party, that group who gave us Political Correctness so many years ago.

Those who adhere to the PC doctrine are deathly afraid of hurting the feelings of any group of people you care to name. This includes Muslims who stand together in silence while their brothers wage their Holy War against Western civilization, especially the United States, Great Britain and a handful of other European nations.

Because of liberal-born PC, leadership from the Democrat Party has reached a state where they prefer to engage in ruthlessness against our own citizens before they even begin to think about applying that ruthlessness against our enemies.

As a matter of fact, once they capture an enemy, they let them go to be “repatriated” only to have them rejoin the militant army from which they came so that they may again have an opportunity to kill us.

So, the next time you go through TSA’s screening process, as I have, remember this; none of the human-based incidents, such as the so-called Christmas underwear bomber, originated in the United States. Furthermore, Al Quaeda has modified their tactics, relying more upon inserting bomb material into cargo flights originating outside of the United States.

At the end of the day, the bombing attempts come very close to succeeding while the TSA fondles U.S. citizens.

Maybe one day our nation’s leadership will grow up and begin to profile.