Archive for the ‘ Religion ’ Category

Slaves to the Government and Proud of It

I originally saw this on Drudge, but it has been popping up in other places.  It is amazing.

The original DNC video was trying to analogize government to club membership. But what is extremely disconcerting is that the rank-n-file Democrats at the convention accept – no embrace – the concept that the government “owns” them.  It is clear in this video montage.

I was especially horrified to see African-Americans embracing this idea. Blacks of all people should collectively reject the idea of being owned by another person or agency.

The majority of blacks in this country are church-goers and are good godly people. So when the Democratic leadership pulls God out of the platform we should expect to hear a loud outcry. But largely there was silence except from the right and pundants who warned of impending doom.

Fearing the pundants were correct is the only reason the leadership changed the platform. Surely another amateurish miscalculation from DWS, Pelosi, Reid, and Dear Leader.

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when they decided to remove God and Jerusalem from the platform. You can almost hear the condescending voices argue that Blacks and Jews will vote for us regardless.  Afterall they must believe, “We own them.”

Apparently, there may be more truth to that than I could have ever imagined.

Rahm Emanuel Takes a Stand for Morality

In college they tell us to use critical thinking but then expect group-think.  They also teach us that group-think is bad for good decision-making.  We are taught to express ourselves, ie free-speech, but we are severely punished if our speech does not conform to the accepted group-think.  I found the contradictions between what I was taught and what was expected to be confusing and, well, wrong.  But at least two maybe three generations of Americans have been brought up this way and now we have a very fractured and confused populous.

Last week Rahm Emanuel, President Obama’s former Chief of Staff and now Chicago Mayor, denounced a franchise because “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.”  This, because Chick-fil-A corporate owner, Dan Cathy, stated that he was a believer in traditional marriage.    Rahm was clearly attempting to restrict and/or punish Chick-fil-A for taking a stand he and his party oppose.

Interestingly, Dan Cathy never called for gays to be rounded up into camps, annihilated, killed, brutalized, forced to convert to another religion, or even banned from working for his company.  He was simply telling another Christian organization that he supported keeping marriage as it has been for the past 6,000 years.  A position President Obama himself took while Rahm was working in the White House.  Why didn’t Rahm condemn Obama at that time?  Hmm.

The very next day, Rahm Emanuel embraced Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for their fine work against crime in Chicago.  Perhaps Rahm wasn’t listening on May 27th when Louis Farrakhan made this remark, ““Males coming to males with lust in their hearts as they should to a female. Now don’t you dare say Farrakhan was preaching hate; he’s homophobic. I’m not afraid of my brothers and sisters or others who may be practicing what God condemned in the days of Lot…  God was so displeased with their behavior, he destroyed them completely.”  Maybe I took it out of context, okay  listen:

Oh wait it’s not a little anti-gay, it is strongly anti-gay.  He appears to be endorsing killing off all gays and he is absolutely condemning the Obama administration’s pro-gay stance.  He said, “Our President just agreed to same-sex marriage.  Now listen … sin is sin according to the standard of God.”

Why is this okay but Cathy’s comment supporting traditional marriage is not?

I think I know and it seems layered in liberal group-think.  Here’s an easy break-down, feel free to repeat, but I’d appreciate props.

  • Business is bad.
  • A Business with ties to Christianity is VERY bad.
  • Speech that conforms to group-think values is good.
  • Speech which does not conform to group-think values is bad.
  • Gays are good.
  • Supporting gays symbolically is very good.
  • Blacks are good.
  • Muslims are good.
  • Black Muslims are very good.
  • Making Muslims mad is very bad.
  • Making Christians mad is very good.


Memorial Day: Remember the Heroes

If you’ve read much of my observations in this blog you’ll know I am a firm supporter of our military, regardless of my support for our Commander-in-Chief.  But what you don’t know is that my family history until only two generations ago has been populated by conscientious objectors.  Not the IDONTWANNADIESOIOBJECTTOKILLINGANYONE cowards but folks who are extremely religious and hold that Jesus told us to “turn the other cheek” therefore, I can do no violence toward another human being.

(Stick around because there is an amazing hero story in a moment.)


Barney "whatplanetareyoufrom" FrankIn this Republic, we call the United States of America, our leaders serve at the whim of the electorate, yet they rarely understand this.  They seize the power granted them, by often slim majorities, and arrogantly lord over us, often abusing that power as though they had a right to do so.  Disrespecting those they serve and condescending to those who dare challenge their power.

On the other hand, those who serve in the military, willing give up power, submitting themselves to the whim of political leadership.  Leaders who often have no military experience, and in some cases even lack respect for, or worst despise them.  Yet without question or hesitation, these amazing men and women charge into harm’s way, exchanging healthy bodies for mutilated ones and life for death. Continue reading