Posts Tagged ‘ Conscientious objector ’

Memorial Day: Remember the Heroes

If you’ve read much of my observations in this blog you’ll know I am a firm supporter of our military, regardless of my support for our Commander-in-Chief.  But what you don’t know is that my family history until only two generations ago has been populated by conscientious objectors.  Not the IDONTWANNADIESOIOBJECTTOKILLINGANYONE cowards but folks who are extremely religious and hold that Jesus told us to “turn the other cheek” therefore, I can do no violence toward another human being.

(Stick around because there is an amazing hero story in a moment.)


Barney "whatplanetareyoufrom" FrankIn this Republic, we call the United States of America, our leaders serve at the whim of the electorate, yet they rarely understand this.  They seize the power granted them, by often slim majorities, and arrogantly lord over us, often abusing that power as though they had a right to do so.  Disrespecting those they serve and condescending to those who dare challenge their power.

On the other hand, those who serve in the military, willing give up power, submitting themselves to the whim of political leadership.  Leaders who often have no military experience, and in some cases even lack respect for, or worst despise them.  Yet without question or hesitation, these amazing men and women charge into harm’s way, exchanging healthy bodies for mutilated ones and life for death. Continue reading