Posts Tagged ‘ murder ’

Andrew Breitbart: Is it crazy to think he was murdered?

The moment I heard the news of Breitbart’s untimely death I thought, foul-play.  I tweeted as much to Eric Erickson and a few others.  Erickson, while not naming me, called the suggestion as coming from “Jackasses”.

Now it comes to light that Breitbart had some major surprise scheduled to be released on the morning of his death.  Hmm, it was not released and Andrew Breitbart is dead.  Breitbart’s website announced that his death was from “natural causes” even before a thorough examination was made of the body.

Suspicious?  Not to most people.

I know conspiracy nuts are just that.  I’ve never really been one.  I don’t buy into the JFK, the Clinton Conspiracies, 911ers, but I do believe conspiracies happen.  Nixon clearly conspired to cover-up Watergate, Clinton conspired to smear Jennifer Flowers, and ACORN conspired to enable and cover for prostitution and human trafficking.

Maybe there is no conspiracy but here are just a few reasons I am suspicious.

  • “Occupy Unmasked”
  • The scheduled March 1st video surprise
  • In his last interview with Hugh Hewitt, (which I heard,) he detailed death threats recently made against him
  • He was returning from a bar when he collapsed (is there a better environment to poison someone?)
  • The utter vile hatred the Left feels for him and has vomited with complete disregard for his family since his death

I’m not suggesting he was murdered, but I am suggesting there is cause for a very detailed investigation.  Yes Breitbart collapsed walking home, someone witnessed it and called 911.  But he had just left a bar and a nearly 2 hour debate with a former CBS and Turner Broadcasting employee, Arthur Sando.  Lots of time and distraction.

Tonight, I discovered I am not the only person to wonder about this.  Mike Gallagher is wondering the same thing on his show this morning.

Mike Gallagher Show March 2, 2012

Taliban Executes a Child

This is not the boy murdered today, but another victim of hatred in that region

The next time someone tries to accuse our troops of being “baby-killers” because a stray bomb meant for murdering terrorists accidentally kills a child you should point out the story that follows.  American soldiers do not and have not kidnapped children from their homes and mercilessly torture and kill them.  But Radical Muslims, specifically the Taliban do. I try not to hate these people (radical Islam) but their actions are so vile that they dehumanize themselves.

This horrific story out of that peaceful Muslim nation we call, Afghanistan.

Taliban murders a child on suspicion of spying

Tuesday, in the Afghan province of Helmand, a seven year old boy was forcefully taken from his home by Taliban militants. He was killed and his body was hung on a tree.  An apparent a warning to the village of what happens to those who cross the Taliban.  A provincial spokesman, Dawood Ahmadi, said, “The innocent boy was not a spy, but he may have informed the police or soldiers about planted explosives.”

A more likely motive for the murder comes from a local resident who told Central Asia Online, “The child was the grandson of a local elder; tribal elders, particularly those who support the government or the reconstruction programmes, often get killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan.”

Official Reaction

Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, told reporters, “I don’t think there’s a crime bigger that even the most inhuman forces on earth can commit. A seven-year-old boy cannot be a spy. A seven-year-old boy cannot be anything but a seven-year-old boy,and therefore hanging or shooting to kill a 7-year-old boy … is a crime against humanity.”

The British Prime Minister was in Afghanistan today to meet with Karzai.  Prime Minister David Cameron, had the most appropriate reaction and he sumed up my reaction perfectly.  He said, “I think it says more about the Taliban than any book, than any article, than any speech could ever say.”

At this hour Obama has yet to comment.

Just another day in paradise

As that small terrified child was being murdered a small crowd silently watched.  And this happened as a suicide-bomber in Kandahar killed about 40 teenagers and children as well as 70 adults at a wedding.  The justification?  Two of the participants in the wedding were Afghan Police.

Furthermore this is not the first time the Taliban has executed a child on charges of spying.  Ahmadi claims the Taliban executed a 70 year old woman along with a child Musa Qala district of Helmand under the same accusation.

Denials and Contradiction

Initial reports regarding the seven year old’s murder, were pretty much consistent but hours later the story began to change.  Qari Yousef Ahmaid, a Taliban spokesman, denied responsibility.  Ahmaid claimed, “The Taliban’s enemies are the Afghan Government and the foreign forces.  We never kill children. Everyone knows a seven-year-old can’t be a spy.”

After this more conflicting reports emerged.  Suddenly residents had differing accounts, with some claiming the murder was committed by a family rival and others saying it was neither Taliban or a family enemy.  I smell fear of the Taliban in these later reports.  When the Taliban rejected responsibility you can bet fear swept that small village like a tsunami.

Shamsuddin Khan Faryie, an elder in Heratiyan, said some Taliban members were claiming the boy had been a spy while others were saying they had nothing to do with it.  I think the Taliban realized executing a child was a bad PR move, even in Afghanistan, and now they are trying to back away from their crime.

Now it is time for British and American troops to help the Afghan police hunt these bastards down and kill each and every one of them.

Reinforcing stereotypes

You dont counter the stereotype by beheading your wife, idiot!

You don't counter the stereotype by beheading your wife, idiot!

In Buffalo, NY there is a television station run by Muslims with the stated purpose of countering Muslim stereotypes.  I can respect that, but the General Manager, Muzzammil Hassan, just could not resist his inner stereotype.  Apparently, police had repeatedly responded to domestic violence reports at Hassan’s residence.  Hassan’s wife, Aasiya Hassan, filed for divorce on February 6.  As far as I understand, in Islam a wife cannot do this, wives have no rights and especially in the marriage.  But the Hassans did not live in an Islamic nation.

Ten days later on February 16th, Hassan reported his wife dead and took police to her now headless body.  Muzzammil Hassan is now charged with murder.  Apparently, Mr. Hassan, was so enraged with his wife that he did something completely unexpected in Islamic culture, he beheaded her.

My point is not that Muslims routinely behead those they dislike or that they murder their wives.  My point is that Hassan was employed to dispel Muslim stereotypes but in the end he served to reinforce a very basic stereotype.  Muslims behead people.  Well, they do.  Muzzammil Hassan proved it.